Couverture du livre Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche
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Couverture du livre Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche
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Stefan VanthuyneMoving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium.


Ces dernières années, le livre s’est fermement imposé comme un support artistique de la photographie. Ouvrez un livre photo aujourd’hui et, avec un peu de chance, vous entrerez dans un monde plein de rebondissements visuels. Un bloc précédemment fermé devient soudainement un volume ouvert, et à travers ce volume, vous pouvez vous déplacer et naviguer. La manière dont vous le faites, à travers quels espaces et à quel rythme, est largement déterminée par l’architecture du livre.

Moving through the Space of the Picture and the Page rassemble des essais sur six créateurs belges contemporains de livres photo et sur la manière dont ils traitent l’espace, le temps, le mouvement et la surface dans le livre et dans l’image photographique. Les artistes abordés sont Tine Guns, Dirk Braeckman, Els Martens, Max Pinckers, Vincent Delbrouck et Aglaia Konrad.

Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche Moving through the space of the picture and the page: The Photobook as an Artistic and Architectural Medium. - Stefan Vanthuyne, Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions, Peinture Fraiche
  • Stefan Vanthuyne
  • Studio Jurgen Maelfeyt and Art Paper Editions
  • Langue Anglais
  • Publication2022
  • Pages128
  • Format24 x 17 cm
  • ISBN9789493146976

Evénement Focus "Dessin" à l'occasion de l'exposition "Théâtre des opérations" chez Mathilde Hatzenberger du 9 avril au 12 mai. Alexis Gallissaires et Paul Maciejowski seront présents le jeudi 18 avril de 18 à 21 h. La librairie sera également ouverte à cette occasion. Bienvenue !

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